Services /

ESG Investing

We want to ensure that your portfolio reflects what is important to you.

We align your investments with your values.

Howland Capital offers dedicated Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) investing alternatives for interested clients.

These investment options can be customized to your specific ESG interests while leveraging the firm’s proprietary investment management capabilities.

ESG Analysis

We run our model portfolio stocks through an ESG analysis. We also offer "ESG focused" investments in international equities and fixed income.

Customizable Solutions

We believe ESG investing takes place on a continuum and means different things to different people. We offer our clients customizable solutions for portfolios based on their values.

Company Engagement

Our engagement with company management teams is an important part of our investment process. We raise ESG-related matters with management during conversations and provide feedback.

Our ESG strategy is based on three key ideas:

1) Many people want to grow their wealth and positively impact the world. 2) ESG investing and favorable investment returns aren’t mutually exclusive. 3) ESG principles align well with our investment philosophy.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can you customize my ESG tolerance?

These investment options can be customized to your specific ESG interests, while leveraging the firm’s proprietary investment management capabilities with a goal of delivering strong risk-adjusted returns.

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