As your adviser, we are more focused on how we can help than how much you have.
We invest your assets in accordance with your goals & objectives, risk tolerance and time horizon.

It is all about balance.
Your goals are a critical component of the investment program we construct for you. We tailor our approach to address your needs.
Our Capabilities
Investment Policy Statement
We create a roadmap with you that is aligned with your goals, tolerance for risk and time horizon.
Asset Allocation
We work with you to choose the investment model that most closely matches your needs and goals.
Portfolio Construction
We construct client investment programs and implement them in a disciplined fashion. While we are constantly focused on the financial markets and macro economy, we do not change our investment strategy based on fads or other short-term trends. We invest for the long term.
Tax Sensitivity
We recognize that some clients have specific cash flow needs and plan for them in a tax-sensitive manner. We monitor our clients’ tax liability throughout the year and take this into account in our investment decision-making.
Monitoring & Rebalancing
We review client portfolios both individually and as a portfolio management team, rebalancing as appropriate, given client-specific circumstances.
Performance Reporting
We measure and report performance quarterly. When we evaluate performance, we take into account not only the portfolio itself, but how it is doing relative to client goals and objectives. Client satisfaction is our highest priority.
Our Process
Our portfolio management team meets weekly to review holdings and evaluate new investment ideas. Our collective wisdom and experience combined with a culture that embraces open dialogue and collaboration lead to effective investment decision-making and implementation.

We are investment professionals with a goal that wealth has a positive impact on your life. We are always here to answer any questions.
I want to take risks, but I don't want to lose sleep. What do I do?
There are many factors that influence what amount of risk is appropriate for you. Let’s discuss your financial goals and determine what risk level matches your goals, time horizon, and personality. You can take risk and sleep at night!
What is a realistic return expectation?
One of the benefits of being a long-term investor is that projected return is more definable and dependable over the long term. Our client portfolios are individually managed, so your return expectations will be relevant to your particular circumstances.
Can I integrate ESG into my investing strategy?
Yes, you can, and we can help. Howland Capital offers dedicated Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) investing for interested clients. We can modify our investment program to optimize your exposure to companies that have more favorable ESG metrics, while still leveraging the firm’s proprietary investment management capabilities.
Can I invest in Alternative Assets?
We offer investment opportunities in our own venture funds to eligible clients.
Is there an account minimum I must have to become a client?
We do not have a minimum asset requirement. It is our belief that the amount of individual or organizational assets is not a particularly good measure of the potential client partnership that is possible.